NIA Distance over Time
35 km, 80 km, 100 km, 200 km (126 miles) or any other distance you like!
Any time between Jan. 1 to March 1 (Statehood Day - Ohio was admitted to the Union as the 17th State on March 1, 1803)
Choose your mode of transport - Cycle, hike, ski…
Mother Nature will choose your conditions!
Beechmont Bridge is complete! The Grandin Road trail underpass near the Peter's Cartridge Factory is complete! The pedestrian bridge on the Little Miami Trail over O’Bannon Creek just north of Loveland OH is complete. Winter 2025 all should be open the entire length of the NIA route.
Document your ride w/photos and stories on social media
Participants encouraged/challenged to donate to trail agencies who maintain the trails.
Voluntarily calculate your “Adventure Score” if you are into measuring the challenge and “joy” of your adventure.